
We use delicious cookies and external tools for the best possible user experience. We need you to constantly measure, evaluate, optimize and deliver our online offering. You can find out more about this in our privacy policy.

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Refund policy

Refund policy


1. Right of revocation

1.1 Customers who are consumers – are entitled to cancel a contract concluded with NGM App GmbH through the exclusive use of one or more means of communication (e.g. letter, email) within fourteen calendar days, without giving reasons.

1.2 The cancellation period commences on the date of contract conclusion.

1.3 In order to exercise your right of revocation, you must inform us of the exercise of your right by means of a clear declaration (e.g. letter sent by post or email) of your decision to cancel this contract:
NGM App GmbH
Pettenkoferstraße 12
83052 Bruckmühl

1.4 In order to comply with the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient to send a message about exercising the right of revocation before the cancellation period expires.

1.5 If you exercise your right of revocation, we shall return all payments received from you without delay and at the latest within fourteen calendar days of the date on which we received notification of your withdrawal from the contract. We will return the funds using the same method that you used for the original transaction, unless explicitly agreed otherwise with you; you will never be charged any fees for this refund.

1.6 Loss of right of revocation: The right of revocation expires early in the event of executing the download and/or redeeming the voucher code, if you have explicitly granted consent to performance of the contract commencing before expiry of the cancellation period and you were aware of having waived your right of revocation by giving such consent.

As a result, in the case of digital products, there is no right of revocation for the delivery of digital contents, if we – with your explicit consent and acknowledgement of the loss of the right of revocation in the event of commencing contract performance early, and following the provision of a copy or confirmation pursuant to § 356 Abs. 5 BGB have commenced delivery prior to expiry of the cancellation period pursuant.